THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN THE SEASON OF EPIPHANY, FEBRUARY 2nd is traditionally known as CANDLEMAS. We follow the readings for the fourth Sunday in Epiphany and keep this day with fresh consideration and challenge for 2025.
Tiis is Altogether Sunday at Scone New Kirk at 10.45am. It is Candle-lit with good going hymns, Readings and Reflection appropriate to the day.
THE KIRK SESSION meets on Tuesday at 7pm in the Burnside Halls.
The CHURCH MAGAZINE is available on Sunday, AND DESTINY, THE COMMUNITY NEWS, will be out soon.
THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY: The Hub is on Wednesday in the Balformo Halls, 10am – 12noon. Knit and Chat is on at 10.30am.
THIS WEEK THURSDAY: Lunches in the Burnside Hall at 12.30pm.
BIG THANK YOU. A very big thank you to all who participated in the Scots Service last week. Thank you to Katie Duthie, our magnificent piper, who conquered the weather and treated the congregation, as they arrived and left, to a splendid selection of Scottish tunes, and who accompanied the congregation during the service as they sang Amazing Grace. Thank you to our Organist, Margaret Buchan, for the lovely selection of Scottish voluntaries and for leading the congregation in praise. Thank you for our Reader for the day, Maxwell Moir, who read the prescribed lectionary readings in the Doric, and thank you to Ross Merson and to Christine Munro for leading the Prayers in Scots. And, the cold weather did not impede warm and hearty tones from the congregation. The home made clootie dumpling and shortbread with refreshments that followed the service were much appreciated, and thank you to Marian and Moyra for these.
RDM SCHOOL: We welcome New Year contact with the RDM School and look forward to contact with Guildtown and Balbeggie Schools. A Good New Year to them all.
**** The TREE OF PROSPERITY APPEAL by the TREASURER. We thank all who are generously responding. Watch the leaves grow on the tree as donations grow.
LOVE AND SYMPATHY is extended to all who have lost loved ones. Please continue to keep them all in your prayers.
The Service of Thanksgiving for Wesley Shelley is on Monday 3rd February at 12noon at Perth Crematorium.
The Service of Thanksgiving for Christina Duncan is on the 14th February at 11am there-after to New Scone Cemetery.
Members of the Congregation will be saddened to hear of the passing of June Gardiner, a faithful and devoted elder of our Church.
The Service of Thanksgiving for June Gardiner is on the 14th February at 3.30pm at Perth Crematorium.
LOVING THOUGHTS are sent all who are infirmed and to all supporting them.
GUIDE DOGS: We welcome Guide Dogs to all our services. Jorja, a lovely black Labrador sets the example. We are glad her health is restored.
Each Sunday, invite old and new friends and bring them along to join us. The faithful, the doubters, the sceptics, those of world faiths and those of no faith, Come, join us. Scone and St Martins is a super congregation, warm and inclusive. We are, too, congregations that sing out our faith.
NEW MEMBERS: If you would like to join our warm and welcoming fellowship then please let the minister know. Phone Maudeen on 551942.
Whether you have been in our Parish for a while, are new here, visiting, at home for a short break, or passing through, you will find a welcome here. Do join us. We cover the following areas: Scone, St Martins, Stormontfield, Balbeggie, Guildtown and Wolfhill. For extra news click into the links on this site.
CHURCH MAGAZINE: More information is to be found in the Church Magazine. The most recent edition and the new edition of Destiny will be available soon.
2025: A YEAR OF FRESH AND ENERGETIC DEVELOPMENT! Throughout the coming weeks and months, we will work on actively witnessing, as we embrace fresh projects, what the Water and the Wine of Life mean to us. PLANNING AND PREPARATION is ONGOING.
Let us give thanks for the personal blessings we have known and for those we have known in family and congregational life. As we keep treasured memories, let us move forward in our development, mindful of the Example we follow.
NEW CLUB? As we left Church one of our Members was showing me her lovely new scooter. And it is lovely! I just thought that is how I would arrive today, she said. Wow!
Well, I said, I think there are a few in the Church with Scooters. We could get up a SCOOTER CLUB, she said. The idea could be that you meet at a given spot and then scoot in a line to the Kirk! What a young and upbeat attitude. Buzz the Manse, leave your name and phone-number if interested in joining that Club.
CARS, MOTOR BIKES, CYCLES, SHANKS PONY, ETC. are other methods of coming the way of the Kirk and Christian Fellowship that we welcome.
SCHOOLS: RDM and Guildtown have now renewed links since Covid I continue to try to catch Balbeggie. welcome.
*** GROUNDS OF SCONE OLD KIRK and the ENVIRONS of BURNSIDE. Big THANK YOU to our friendly Council Gardeners! The Graveyard in Scone Old is looking super!
If taking your dogs in, please do not let them loose to chase everything in sight. Also, please bring a poop bag!
CHURCH GARDEN, BURNSIDE: It is lovely to see the Church Garden planted out with shrubs and flowers. My favourite is the standard rose. If you are into flowers and shrubs in the Bible, you will find some of these in our Church Garden. It is, also, a lovely tribute to Ron Cathro. Thank you to Helen and Mike Moir for this kindness.
Thank you, also, to Frances Moir for her attention to the garden between the hall and the housing, also to the Gardening Team at Scone New Kirk for the lovely floral presentation there, and the Gardening Team at St Martins. Much appreciated.
And, it is not simply a case of the lovely flower beds looking good during summer. They’ve been tended for autumn and winter too.
*** ECOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: How blessed we are in Scone and St Martins with the wonders of nature all around. Thank you for the insect boxes and the colourful planting. Birds, bees, butterflies, and respect for all God’s creatures we continue to encourage. A fresh ecological project, keep at the fore-front of your minds! More to follow. Click here for ideas: https://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/
STEWARDSHIP: Gifts of Time, Talents and Money are always welcome. The National Church is looking, also, at fresh approaches. This is worth clicking on to https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/resources/stewardship
SAFEGUARDING TRAINING: It is vitally important that all requiring to take training, do so now. The Session Clerk, Mike Moir (1738 551549); Safeguarding Team Member, Marian Forgan (01738 552064); and the Minister, Maudeen MacDougall (01738 551942) are available to offer further detail.
If you have gifts and talents to offer the Church, we offer many opportunities for your involvement and would be happy to hear from you. Often in today’s world folk feel isolated and depressed or at a loss as to how to make life better, you are welcome among us as we seek to move forwards in positive Spirit and Faith.
REQUESTS for BAPTISMS, MEMBERSHIP, and to conduct WEDDINGS – LIVE!!! Please phone the Manse 01738 551942, if you are interested. If no reply, leave your name and telephone number. We’ve had quite a few Baptisms in recent months.
COME, Celebrate, Renew or Find Faith, Hope and Love, in Scone and St Martins. Our aim is to continue to grow the congregation in the coming year. If you would like to know more about joining our fellowship, please phone 01738 551942, and leave your name and telephone number. If using a mobile, be sure to leave your name and number. The phone does not answer to numbers withheld.
UKRAINE: Do please remember in your prayers our secretary Roxy, and her family in Lviv, and all who are Ukrainian and their families. Pray too that throughout the world there may be a greater understanding and practise of Peace.
OUT IN ALL PARTS OF THE PARISH: The visiting of homes in the Parish is ongoing. Thank you to all who have undertaken this work.
Please remember if a family member is ill at home or in hospital, direct contact with me is essential.